Partnering with your rheumatologist is the key to finding a rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment plan that’s right for you. Setting treatment goals with an RA specialist can help you get more of what you want from your overall treatment plan.

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Are you on an RA treatment and still struggling with the daily impact of RA? It could be time for an open and honest conversation with a rheumatologist. Take My RA Check-In to help your next office visit be a productive one.

Dr. Grace Wright explains the importance of preparation and honesty at every appointment.

Speak up and talk openly

An open and direct conversation with your rheumatologist can help you both get what you need out of your time together. You should feel comfortable to discuss future personal goals or any upcoming activities that could be impacted by your RA.

Ask yourself:

  • How do I feel on my RA treatment?
  • Am I just "getting by" on my current RA treatment plan?
  • Is my RA treatment plan helping me reach my goals?


People react in different ways to medications and it can take time to find the right rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment plan.

It's normal to try multiple medications before finding the right RA treatment plan for you. An effective treatment can help you get back to doing the things you love.

If you're still experiencing symptoms despite being on a medication, it may be time to have an honest conversation with your rheumatologist about other treatment options.

Biker Smiling with Helmet
Five signs

Take a look at these common signs that your RA symptoms aren’t under control. To better understand and assess your RA symptoms and how they affect your daily life, take the RAPID3 Survey »


The RAPID3 (Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3) survey is a questionnaire that some rheumatologists use to understand the severity of your RA. 

Taking a minute to complete the RAPID3 survey before your next appointment can help your rheumatologist determine if your treatment plan is working and if a change is needed. Haven’t taken the RAPID3 survey yet?

This is not a diagnostic tool. Discuss results with your rheumatologist.

Woman Smiling and Holding Pen to Paper

Which describes your outlook when considering RA treatments?

Which describes your outlook when considering RA treatments?

Working with your rheumatologist is key to finding the right RA treatment plan for you. The My RA Check-In can help you and your rheumatologist determine if you need to change your treatment plan. 

Take My RA Check-In

Ready to learn more about treatment options?

Learn about a treatment option for moderate to severe RA and talk to your rheumatologist to see if it could be right for you.